2025 information
Here is all the information you need for your child at CBS in 2025.
Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30 January. The school office opens 9.00 am - 3.00 pm. (The office is closed on Friday 31st January for staff first aid training).
Monday 3 February. ‘Whakawhanaungatanga - Building Connections’ Meetings
Please note on this day you only come in with your child for your meeting that you will prebook. A Hero notification will be sent out on the 20th of December when school interview bookings will open for you to book a time slot. The bookings will close on Friday the 31st of January.
New Entrant starters only:
Monday 3 February
9:00am - 10:30am: This is your second visit to Campbells Bay School. Your child’s first solo visit! Please meet in the PA Room 10 minutes ahead of time to support your child to settle into their first morning.
All new students (including New Entrants):
Please go to the school office to finalise your child's enrolment. Please bring in a recent utility bill as proof of your current in zone address and we will ask you to sign a statutory statement confirming your residence.
Tuesday 4th February - school starts at 8:55am and finishes at 3pm
Please take your child directly to their classroom on this morning, there is no need to come to the office first.
Our whakanui welcome assembly at 9:15am in the hall will officially welcome our new students, staff and whānau. We encourage you all to join us in this special welcome. Coffee and kai for adults will be served in the staffroom following this.
Wednesday 5th February - school starts at 8:55am and finishes at 3pm
Thursday 6 February. Waitangi Day. Public Holiday, school closed.
Friday 7 February. The school is closed for the day.
Class organisation booklet - click here
Stationery list (books, pens and pencils etc) with activity contribution and information:
Click here to go to My Kindo where you can pay your contributions.
Click here to go to Office Max to purchase stationery. Enter our school and then find the right year group for your child.
Click here for the 2025 sports handbook.