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As a premier educational institute, Campbells Bay School receives many more applications for enrolment than we have room for on our roll. The Board operates a Ministry of Education approved enrolment scheme to prevent overcrowding. Under this scheme, children who live within the Campbells Bay School zone have an automatic right of entry to attend our school. Enrollments for children who live in our zone are accepted throughout the year. The applicant and children must be living at the in-zone address at the time of applying for their child’s enrolment. The school may actively collect information and make any enquiries necessary to ensure that the information provided on the enrolment application is correct.


Currently, the zone includes all homes within the area bounded by the following streets:


13-53 Whitby Crescent, Kowhai Road, 32-350 East Coast Road, 1-64 Sunnynook Road, Blakeborough Drive, 188-270 Forrest Hill Road, Richards Avenue, Knightsbridge Road, 22-53 Seine Road, Marsh Avenue, Seaview Road, Commodore Parry Road, 1-385 Beach Road, The Esplanade (Castor Bay), Red Bluff Rise, Huntly Road, The Esplanade (Campbells Bay), View Road, September Place, Springfield Street, Regal Place, Brian Avenue.


Enrolment can be completed in the office or by completing the enrolment form below. Please note, that proof of residence and our enrolment process will need to be completed prior to a child starting school.​


School zones can be viewed here.



Every month, one of our Senior Leadership Team hosts a school tour, where you will have the opportunity to view Campbells Bay School and our facilities, view teaching and learning programmes in action and ask any questions you may have.

Numbers are limited and we ask that you register on one of the links below:


Forthcoming tour dates:​​


Once registered, if you are unable to make it, please email our school office on




For students not living in the school’s home zone, an out-of-zone ballot will be held later in the year.   More details to follow.


Enrolment Zone Map

CBS Enrolment Zone.jpg
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