Our Curriculum
Our curriculum at Campbells Bay School reflects the intent and passion for learning brought to us by the New Zealand Curriculum. Our delivery of curriculum at CBS places our tamariki at the centre and offers them an engaging and vibrant journey through years one to six.
For academic and whole child development Campbells Bay School provides:
A full-time teacher dedicated to participation and contribution for students in sport.
A full-time Literacy and Information Technology teacher to manage the recently expanded and upgraded library.
Extension programmes for students with special abilities.
Programmes for students with special needs, including reading recovery.
Education Outside the Classroom experiences.
A visual art teaching team and art room.
A specialist music teacher, purpose-built music room, an orchestra, choirs and keyboards.
ESOL classes.
Our vision emphasises the importance of setting high expectations and following through by driving learning with purpose. Our goal encompasses the intent that as students journey with us and then graduate Campbells Bay they are prepared and eager to continue their learning, as engaged and thoughtful citizens.
CBS Curriculum Delivery Underpinned by Best Practice
"...how schools and teachers can respond to diverse groups of students and develop teaching practices that promote learning for everyone. In this approach, students’ prior knowledge, language and ways of making sense of the world are used to inform teaching practices rather than being seen as barriers to learning."
"... an approach to teaching in which teachers continuously inquire into the impact of their teaching actions on student learning, make informed changes to improve their teaching practice in order to enhance student learning, and measure the impact that these changes have on their students’ learning."
Extra Curricular
We aim to provide a range of experiences for our students during their time at CBS.
Chess Club
Kapa Haka
After-school sports
A range of lunchtime clubs
ICAS Australasian Exams, Tournament of Minds

Extra Tutoring
The school is aware that some parents have accessed private tutoring or extra classes for their children outside of school hours. To support our community as best we can with these types of decisions the school has the following advice.
Outside tutoring or additional academic classes are not expected of students.
We acknowledge that this is a family choice first and foremost.
If families are looking to enhance their child’s development and experiences outside of school hours, we recommend activities that promote well being and holistic development, and are appropriate for primary aged children. Some examples of this could be for students to take up a musical instrument, join a sports team or have a playdate.
If you feel your child’s learning needs are not being met, or that they require additional support beyond the classroom programme please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.