YEARS 1, 2, 3 & 4 PLAYERS
Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 winter netball participates in the Kidzplay Netball League,
which is played over terms two and term three. Boys are welcome to play.
Pinehurst School, Bush Road, Albany
10th May to 14th June and 19th July to 6th September
Saturdays between 8.45 am and mid-afternoon. Please note that you will have ONE game per week and the start time will vary from week to week. The final round start time depends on the number of teams in the league.
Registrations are advertised in the weekly school newsletter in the middle of term one, in the daily news (CBTV) and information letters with all the necessary details are emailed to all year three and four classrooms.
All students who register and sign up via the online payment portal by the due date are able to play.
There are no trials for year three and four netball.

Year 2, 3 & 4 General Information:
Play with a size 4 netball and shoot at 2.6m (8ft 6inch) goal posts. Games are two 15 minute halves with a 2 minute half time break.
All players MUST rotate positions each week.
Substitutions cannot be made except when players are on a half game. Then the new player must go into the position vacated at half time. NO players can be moved around during the game.
Game balls are supplied. These need to be left on court for the following game.
Only 3 minutes between games so please vacate the court quickly so the next game can start on time.
Teams need to be on the court and ready to start play when the bell commences play.
No coaches or parents are allowed on the court during games. The playing area is for the players.
Supporters and coaches are not allowed to stand at either goal lines, but are welcome along the sidelines.
Supporters and coaches must respect the umpires’ decisions – NO spectator influence will be accepted.
The Kidzplay Netball league is a learning experience for players, coaches and umpires.
Basic First Aid supplies are available. Every team is responsible for providing their own First Aid kit for band aids and other small necessities.
Please click here to see the map which outlays the courts. click here.
Year 5 and 6 players participate in the primary competition run by Netball North Harbour during terms two and three. Boys are welcome to play.
Netball North Harbour, 44 Northcote Road
Trial dates- Year 5-6 - 4 & 11 March
Season- 30th April to 20th August (14 weeks in total)
Wednesday evenings, between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Registrations are advertised in the weekly school newsletter in the middle of term one and in the daily news (CBTV), and information letters with all the necessary details are emailed to all year five and six classrooms.
All students who register and sign up via the online payment portal by the due date can play.
These will be held for year five and year six students during school hours. The trials will go ahead, whether wet or fine. Dates be advised for 2024

Year 5 & 6 General Information:
Year 5 & 6 teams play on a Wednesday afternoon. Round times are 4.00pm, 4.50pm, 5.40pm and 6.30pm.
Year 5 play quarterly rotations and play on hoops 2.6m high with a Size 4 ball.
Year 6 have no rotations (straight netball as per normal rules) and have the 3.05m high hoop with Size 5 ball.
Teams are required to supply their own umpires for their games.
Each team needs to supply their own umpire.
Spring Netball - Term 4
Year 2, 3, 4
Spring netball for Years 2, 3, 4 students are played on a Saturday morning at Kidzplay Netball. Please check later in the year for more information.
Year 5 & 6
Year 5 & 6 students will participate in the Saturday morning league at Netball North Harbour. Please check later in the year for more information.