Term 1 2025

The Super Cluster Inter School Tennis Tournament will be held at Campbells Bay Tennis Club. on the 13th of March 2025.
Each school is limited to entering one team of 4 boys and 4 girls. The tournament is open to students in years four to six.
Students will be able to register their interest in the tournament via a google doc link on the daily news (CBTV). The link is also emailed to classroom teachers. It is the students responsibility to regularly check the daily news and to make sure that they have registered their interest by the due date.
The team will be named on CBTV news and the selected students will receive an information letter with the necessary tournament and registration details.

The inter school cricket tournament usually takes place in March, at the Takapuna Cricket Club.
The tournament is open to students in years four to six. and is for both boys and girls.
Students will be able to register their interest in the tournament via a google doc link on the daily news. The link is also emailed to classroom teachers. It is the students responsibility to regularly check the daily news and to make sure that they have registered their interest by the due date.
Trials for the cricket teams will take place during school hours. The date and time for trials will be on the daily news. It is the students responsibility to regularly check the daily news and to make sure that they know when and where their trial is.
The teams will be named on CBTV news and the selected students will receive an information letter with the necessary tournament and registration details.

The CBS Swim Team Trials will be on Thursday, 13th March. They will be held at the Sir Owen Glen National Aquatic Centre at AUT Millennium. The trials are open to students in years 3-6. In order for students to attend the trials, they must have completed the registration process via Kindo at the beginning of March.
As the Primary School Competition will be swum in a 2.2 metre deep pool, all swimmers must be competent and confident in swimming 25 metres without the need to stop or touch the bottom of the pool. If your child needs to stop to hold onto the lane rope, they will be asked to exit the pool and watch the remainder of the trials.
One of the criteria for team selection is your child has to swim freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke at the trial. Children must be able to confidently swim 25m of each stroke. Please do not register your child if they are unable to confidently swim 25m of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke.
Times will be taken at the trials for each of the strokes. The swimming competition allows each child to be entered for 25m or 50m distances and for the 100m free (a maximum of 3 individual events per child).
Registrations for swim trials will be advertised via a Hero notification and the daily news that classes read in their classrooms in the morning. The information letter with all the necessary information and details will be emailed to all year 3-6 families via Hero. Please note only students who have registered in time will be allowed to attend the trial. Due to large amount of administration and preparation time needed for the swim trial event, NO late registrations will be accepted. Please make sure you have read all the information in the information letter before registering your child on Hero.
The CBS Swim team will be competing at the North Shore Primary School Swim Meet. The date for 2025 is the 6th of May 2025. This will take place at the Sir Owen Glen National Aquatic Centre at AUT Millennium.
Selections are dependent on times achieved at the trials and the number of events and children in each of the age groups (8, 9, 10 & 11 year olds). The organisers of the North Shore Primary Schools meet have set a limit of 32 swimmers per school team.
If successful in gaining a place in the team, your child needs to be available to compete in term 2 (during school hours) at the National Aquatic Centre, AUT Millennium. If your child is selected to be part of the team to represent CBS at the swim meet, the school will decide which events your child will swim based on their swim trial results and what is best for the school team. When registering for trials and the swim team (if successful), you are agreeing to this.
Registrations for the swim team trials will open early 2025 via a Hero notification.
Term 2 2025

The inter-school cross country event will be held at Sunnynook Park on Thursday, 12 June. The event is a Super Cluster event and the CBS Cross Country Team will compete against teams from Sunnynook School, Mairangi Bay, Saint Johns, Murrays Bay, Pinehurst, Pinehill and Browns Bay.
Each school is limited to entering one team 8 runners for each gender group in each of the year groups of year four, year five and year six. So, 48 runners in total.
The CBS Cross Country Team is selected from the year four, five and six competitive/ interschool trial run, at Sunnynook Park. Students in year four, five and six who would like to participate in this run need to register via the school online payment portal (Kindo). A hero notification will come out closer to the time.

Year 5-6 basketball will take place on Thursday, 29 May, at the North Shore Events Center.

Year six field day 18th June. The Super Cluster will be held on 14th August
Term 3 2025

This will be held in term three on Tuesday, 9 September, at Ashley Reserve in Long Bay

Please check back soon for information on hockey in 2025.
Term 4 2025

Please check back soon for information on touch rugby in 2025.

Please check back soon for information on gymnastics in 2025.

Please check back soon for information on athletics in 2025.